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Table of Contents

Install YetAnotherToDoList


  • go 1.21.1 (not tested, but should also work in all versions since 1.16)
  • gcc 4.6+ (according to the golang wiki)

Install via go install

When installing via this method, no commit & version information is provided.

go install

You can specify the installation location by adding GOBIN=<installation directory>

In addition to the requirements, you will need git, GNU make, and pnpm.

git clone
cd YetAnotherToDoList
go mod tidy # only if you want to edit the GraphQL backend
make build

To customize your build, you can run make with these environment variables:

INSTALL_DIR=<installation directory>
BUILD_FLAGS=<go build flags>
RUN_FLAGS=<cli arguments for YetAnotherToDoList>

Install from pre-build binary

There are currently no pre-build binaries available


If you get an error like Unable to connect: Binary was compiled with 'CGO_ENABLED=0', go-sqlite3 requires cgo to work. This is a stub, make sure gcc is installed and in your PATH.

If this still does not work, try

CGO_ENABLED=1 go install

Post install

Add shell completion

YetAnotherToDoList must be in your PATH for this to work.


source <(YetAnotherToDoList completion bash)

For other shells or more info, see

YetAnotherToDoList help completion <bash|zsh|fish|powershell>


Edit the file .YetAnotherToDoList.yaml and run YetAnotherToDoList help for options.


Run make uninstall or

rm $HOME/.local/bin/YetAnotherToDoList # replace with your installation path

Don't forget to delete the .log, .yaml and .sqlite3 files if you don't need them any more.

Remove shell completion


complete -r YetAnotherToDoList