adapt for single switch & add temperature support
This commit is contained in:
@ -20,10 +20,12 @@
extern ESP8266WebServer server;
extern Timezone myTime;
extern char time_all[8][8][3];
extern char stat[8][4];
extern char stat[1][4];
extern char settings_html[];
extern char home_html[];
extern bool override[];
extern const unsigned int pins[];
extern int temperatureSet;
extern int temperature;
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
#include "globalvars.h"
#include <Arduino.h>
void reload_home() {
void reload_home() // generates current time and changes variables in home_html
char time_current[3][3] = {"", "", ""};
if (myTime.hour() < 10) {
sprintf(time_current[0], "0%d", myTime.hour());
@ -22,198 +23,188 @@ void reload_home() {
sprintf(home_html, "<!DOCTYPE html>\
<html lang='de'>\
<meta charset='UTF-8'>\
<meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'>\
<meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0'>\
* {\
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;\
font-size: 40px;\
user-select: none;\
text-decoration: none;\
h2 {\
font-size: 28px;\
h2 span{\
font-size: inherit;\
font-family: monospace;\
.wrapper_main {\
margin: 0 auto;\
width: fit-content;\
width: -moz-fit-content;\
text-align: center;\
background-color: rgb(202, 202, 202);\
padding: 1px 8px 8px 8px;\
border-radius: 4px;\
.wrapper_form div a {\
width: 100px;\
.wrapper_form div a, .animated_a {\
background-color: rgb(252, 255, 104);\
border: none;\
border-radius: 4px;\
box-shadow: rgb(180, 172, 59) 0 4px;\
position: relative;\
margin: 8px 0;\
padding: 2px;\
.wrapper_form div a, .animated_a {\
display: inline-block;\
a {\
color: black;\
.wrapper_form div a, .animated_a {\
cursor: pointer;\
.animated_a:active, .wrapper_form div a:active {\
box-shadow: rgb(180, 172, 59) 0 2px;\
top: 2px;\
<meta charset='UTF-8'>\
<meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'>\
<meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0'>\
* {\
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;\
font-size: 40px;\
user-select: none;\
text-decoration: none;\
h2 {\
font-size: 28px;\
h2 span{\
font-size: inherit;\
font-family: monospace;\
.wrapper_main {\
margin: 0 auto;\
width: fit-content;\
width: -moz-fit-content;\
text-align: center;\
background-color: rgb(202, 202, 202);\
padding: 1px 8px 8px 8px;\
border-radius: 4px;\
.wrapper_form div a {\
width: 100px;\
.wrapper_form div a, .animated_a {\
background-color: rgb(252, 255, 104);\
border: none;\
border-radius: 4px;\
box-shadow: rgb(180, 172, 59) 0 4px;\
position: relative;\
margin: 8px 0;\
padding: 2px;\
.wrapper_form div a, .animated_a {\
display: inline-block;\
a {\
color: black;\
.wrapper_form div a, .animated_a {\
cursor: pointer;\
.animated_a:active, .wrapper_form div a:active {\
box-shadow: rgb(180, 172, 59) 0 2px;\
top: 2px;\
<div class='wrapper_main'>\
<h2>Uhrzeit: <span>%s:%s:%s</span></h2>\
<div class='wrapper_form'>\
<span>Ventil 1: </span>\
<a href='/toggle?number=0'>%s</a>\
<span>Ventil 2:</span>\
<a href='/toggle?number=1'>%s</a>\
<span>Ventil 3:</span>\
<a href='/toggle?number=2'>%s</a>\
<span>Ventil 4:</span>\
<a href='/toggle?number=3'>%s</a>\
<span>Ventil 5:</span>\
<a href='/toggle?number=4'>%s</a>\
<span>Ventil 6:</span>\
<a href='/toggle?number=5'>%s</a>\
<span>Ventil 7:</span>\
<a href='/toggle?number=6'>%s</a>\
<div style='display: none;'>\
<span>Ventil 8:</span>\
<a href='/toggle?number=7'>%s</a>\
<a class='animated_a' href='/settings'>Einstellungen</a>\
<a class='animated_a' href='#'>Kellerheizung</a>\
<div class='wrapper_main'>\
<h2>Uhrzeit: <span>%s:%s:%s</span></h2>\
<div class='wrapper_form'>\
<span>Ventil 1: </span>\
<a href='/toggle?number=0'>%s</a>\
<a class='animated_a' href='/settings'>Einstellungen</a>\
<a class='animated_a' href=''>Garten Anlage</a>\
time_current[0], time_current[1], time_current[2], stat[0], stat[1],
stat[2], stat[3], stat[4], stat[5], stat[6], stat[7]);
time_current[0], time_current[1], time_current[2], stat[0]);
void reload_settings() {
sprintf(settings_html, "<tr>\
<tr style='display: none'>\
<a class='animated_a' href='/'>Übersicht</a>\
"<span> Ziel: </span><input type='number' min=0 max=50 name='temperature' value='%d' class='temperature'>°C <span>\
<br>Aktuell: %d°C</span>\
<input type='submit'>\
<div class='wrapper_table'>\
<th style='background-color: gray;'></th>\
<a class='animated_a' href='/'>Übersicht</a>\
time_all[0][0], time_all[1][0], time_all[2][0], time_all[3][0],
time_all[4][0], time_all[5][0], time_all[6][0], time_all[7][0],
time_all[0][1], time_all[1][1], time_all[2][1], time_all[3][1],
time_all[4][1], time_all[5][1], time_all[6][1], time_all[7][1],
time_all[0][2], time_all[1][2], time_all[2][2], time_all[3][2],
time_all[4][2], time_all[5][2], time_all[6][2], time_all[7][2],
time_all[0][3], time_all[1][3], time_all[2][3], time_all[3][3],
time_all[4][3], time_all[5][3], time_all[6][3], time_all[7][3],
time_all[0][4], time_all[1][4], time_all[2][4], time_all[3][4],
time_all[4][4], time_all[5][4], time_all[6][4], time_all[7][4],
time_all[0][5], time_all[1][5], time_all[2][5], time_all[3][5],
time_all[4][5], time_all[5][5], time_all[6][5], time_all[7][5],
time_all[0][6], time_all[1][6], time_all[2][6], time_all[3][6],
time_all[4][6], time_all[5][6], time_all[6][6], time_all[7][6],
time_all[0][7], time_all[1][7], time_all[2][7], time_all[3][7],
time_all[4][7], time_all[5][7], time_all[6][7], time_all[7][7]);
temperatureSet, temperature, time_all[0][0], time_all[1][0],
time_all[2][0], time_all[3][0], time_all[4][0], time_all[5][0],
time_all[6][0], time_all[7][0], time_all[0][1], time_all[1][1],
time_all[2][1], time_all[3][1], time_all[4][1], time_all[5][1],
time_all[6][1], time_all[7][1], time_all[0][2], time_all[1][2],
time_all[2][2], time_all[3][2], time_all[4][2], time_all[5][2],
time_all[6][2], time_all[7][2], time_all[0][3], time_all[1][3],
time_all[2][3], time_all[3][3], time_all[4][3], time_all[5][3],
time_all[6][3], time_all[7][3], time_all[0][4], time_all[1][4],
time_all[2][4], time_all[3][4], time_all[4][4], time_all[5][4],
time_all[6][4], time_all[7][4], time_all[0][5], time_all[1][5],
time_all[2][5], time_all[3][5], time_all[4][5], time_all[5][5],
time_all[6][5], time_all[7][5], time_all[0][6], time_all[1][6],
time_all[2][6], time_all[3][6], time_all[4][6], time_all[5][6],
time_all[6][6], time_all[7][6], time_all[0][7], time_all[1][7],
time_all[2][7], time_all[3][7], time_all[4][7], time_all[5][7],
time_all[6][7], time_all[7][7]);
void handleToggle() {
int i = server.arg("number")
.toInt(); // converts GET argument to int and does stuff xD
int i =
.toInt(); // handles manual toggle and converts GET argument to int
override[i] = !override[i];
debug(F("[RECIVED] for: "));
digitalWrite(pins[i], !digitalRead(pins[i]));
if (digitalRead(pins[i]) == LOW) {
digitalWrite(2, !digitalRead(2));
if (digitalRead(pins[i]) == HIGH) {
sprintf(stat[i], "AN");
} else {
sprintf(stat[i], "AUS");
@ -1,156 +1,154 @@
const char SSID[] = "";
const char PASSWORD[] = "";
const char version[] = " 0.8";
const char version[] = " 0.8.1";
#include "globalvars.h"
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <DallasTemperature.h>
#include <EEPROM.h>
#include <ESP8266WebServer.h>
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <OneWire.h>
#include <ezTime.h>
#include <stdint.h>
ESP8266WebServer server;
IPAddress staticIP(192, 168, 2, 5); // static IP address
IPAddress staticIP(192, 168, 2, 4); // static IP address
IPAddress gateway(192, 168, 2, 1); // Router's IP address
IPAddress subnet(255, 255, 255, 0);
IPAddress dns(192, 168, 2, 1);
Timezone myTime;
const u_int r = 0;
const u_int oneWireBus = 0;
OneWire oneWire(oneWireBus);
DallasTemperature sensors(&oneWire);
int temperature;
int temperatureSet;
static unsigned long lastTempCycle = -5000;
char time_all[8][8][3] = {
{}, {}, {}, {},
{}, {}, {}, {}}; // 3D array for load_EEPROM() and handleTime()
const unsigned int pins[8] = {5, 4, 14, 12,
13, 10, 9}; // TODO: only 7 of 8 pins defined
int r = 0;
const unsigned int pins[1] = {4};
char stat[8][4] = {"AUS", "AUS", "AUS", "AUS",
"AUS", "AUS", "AUS", "AUS"}; // text on button
char t_stat[8][4] = {"", "", "", "",
"", "", "", ""}; // for "status of timer changed"
bool override[8] = {false, false, false, false,
false, false, false, false}; // for manual override
char home_html[3000]; // be careful when changing these values (might cause
// overflow)!
char settings_html[2014];
char stat[1][4] = {"AUS"}; // text on button
char t_stat[1][4] = {""}; // for "status of timer changed"
bool override[1] = {false}; // for manual override
char home_html[1346];
char settings_html[987];
const char settings_html_pre[] PROGMEM = {"<!DOCTYPE html>\
<html lang='de'>\
<meta charset='UTF-8'>\
<meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'>\
<meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0'>\
* {\
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;\
font-size: 26px;\
user-select: none;\
text-decoration: none;\
a {\
color: black;\
.wrapper_main {\
margin: 0 auto;\
max-width: fit-content;\
max-width: -moz-fit-content;\
text-align: center;\
background-color: rgb(214, 214, 214);\
padding: 1px 8px 8px 8px;\
border-radius: 4px;\
#rule, [type='time'] {\
height: 36px;\
border: none;\
padding: 0 4px;\
margin: 4px 0;\
background-color: white;\
width: fit-content;\
width: -moz-fit-content;\
border-radius: 4px;\
.animated_a, [type='submit']{\
background-color: rgb(135, 252, 119);\
border: none;\
border-radius: 4px;\
box-shadow: rgb(25, 167, 49) 0 4px;\
position: relative;\
margin: 8px 0;\
padding: 2px 8px;\
[type='submit'] {\
position: relative;\
top: -2px;\
display: inline-block;\
.animated_a {\
text-decoration: none;\
display: inline-block;\
margin: 8px 0;\
padding-top: 4px;\
height: 28px;\
.wrapper_table {\
overflow: auto;\
table {\
margin: 8px auto;\
table, th, td {\
border: 1px solid black;\
border-collapse: collapse;\
user-select: text;\
padding: 0 8px;\
.animated_a, [type='submit']{\
cursor: pointer;\
.animated_a:active {\
box-shadow: rgb(25, 167, 49) 0 2px;\
top: 2px;\
[type='submit']:active {\
box-shadow: rgb(25, 167, 49) 0 2px;\
top: 0px;\
*:focus {\
outline: none;\
<div class='wrapper_main'>\
<form action='settings' method='POST'>\
<select name='rule' id='rule' required>\
<option value='' selected disabled>Ventiel Nr.</option>\
<option value='0'>1</option>\
<option value='1'>2</option>\
<option value='2'>3</option>\
<option value='3'>4</option>\
<option value='4'>5</option>\
<option value='5'>6</option>\
<option value='6'>7</option>\
<option value='7' disabled>8</option>\
<input type='time' name='time_o'>\
- <input type='time' name='time_f'>\
<input type='time' name='time_o_1'>\
- <input type='time' name='time_f_1'>\
<input type='submit'>\
<div class='wrapper_table'>\
<th style='background-color: gray;'></th>\
<meta charset='UTF-8'>\
<meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'>\
<meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0'>\
* {\
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;\
font-size: 26px;\
user-select: none;\
text-decoration: none;\
a {\
color: black;\
.wrapper_main {\
margin: 0 auto;\
max-width: fit-content;\
max-width: -moz-fit-content;\
text-align: center;\
background-color: rgb(214, 214, 214);\
padding: 1px 8px 8px 8px;\
border-radius: 4px;\
#rule, [type='time'], .temperature {\
height: 36px;\
border: none;\
padding: 0 4px;\
margin: 4px 0;\
background-color: white;\
width: fit-content;\
width: -moz-fit-content;\
border-radius: 4px;\
.temperature {\
width: 2.5em;\
.animated_a, [type='submit']{\
background-color: rgb(135, 252, 119);\
border: none;\
border-radius: 4px;\
box-shadow: rgb(25, 167, 49) 0 4px;\
position: relative;\
margin: 8px 0;\
padding: 2px 8px;\
[type='submit'] {\
position: relative;\
top: -2px;\
display: inline-block;\
.animated_a {\
text-decoration: none;\
display: inline-block;\
margin: 8px 0;\
padding-top: 4px;\
height: 28px;\
.wrapper_table {\
overflow: auto;\
table {\
margin: 8px auto;\
table, th, td {\
border: 1px solid black;\
border-collapse: collapse;\
user-select: text;\
padding: 0 8px;\
.animated_a, [type='submit']{\
cursor: pointer;\
.animated_a:active {\
box-shadow: rgb(25, 167, 49) 0 2px;\
top: 2px;\
[type='submit']:active {\
box-shadow: rgb(25, 167, 49) 0 2px;\
top: 0px;\
*:focus {\
outline: none;\
span:empty {content: 'nicht verbunden';}\
<div class='wrapper_main'>\
<form action='settings' method='POST'>\
<select name='rule' id='rule'>\
<option value='' selected disabled>Spalte Nr.</option>\
<option value='0'>1</option>\
<option value='1'>2</option>\
<option value='2'>3</option>\
<option value='3'>4</option>\
<option value='4'>5</option>\
<option value='5'>6</option>\
<option value='6'>7</option>\
<option value='7'>8</option>\
<input type='time' name='time_o'>\
- <input type='time' name='time_f'>\
<input type='time' name='time_o_1'>\
- <input type='time' name='time_f_1'>\
void reload_home();
void reload_settings();
void handleToggle();
@ -168,6 +166,7 @@ void load_EEPROM() {
temperatureSet =;
void handleHome() {
@ -185,23 +184,35 @@ void handleSettings() {
void handleTime() {
const char args[4][9] = {"time_o", "time_f", "time_o_1", "time_f_1"};
if (server.arg("rule") != "") {
debugln("write main");
const char args[4][9] = {"time_o", "time_f", "time_o_1", "time_f_1"};
for (unsigned int arg = 0; arg < 4; arg++) {
if (server.arg(args[arg]) != "") {
char buff_h[2][2] = {server.arg(args[arg])[0], server.arg(args[arg])[1]};
char buff_m[2][2] = {server.arg(args[arg])[3], server.arg(args[arg])[4]};
sprintf(time_all[arg * 2][server.arg("rule").toInt()], "%s", buff_h);
sprintf(time_all[arg * 2 + 1][server.arg("rule").toInt()], "%s", buff_m);
for (unsigned int arg = 0; arg < 4; arg++) {
if (server.arg(args[arg]) != "") {
char buff_h[2][2] = {server.arg(args[arg])[0],
char buff_m[2][2] = {server.arg(args[arg])[3],
sprintf(time_all[arg * 2][server.arg("rule").toInt()], "%s", buff_h);
sprintf(time_all[arg * 2 + 1][server.arg("rule").toInt()], "%s",
EEPROM.put(server.arg("rule").toInt() * 4 + arg * 64,
atoi(time_all[arg * 2][server.arg("rule").toInt()]));
EEPROM.put(server.arg("rule").toInt() * 4 + arg * 64 + 32,
atoi(time_all[arg * 2 + 1][server.arg("rule").toInt()]));
EEPROM.put(server.arg("rule").toInt() * 4 + arg * 64,
atoi(time_all[arg * 2][server.arg("rule").toInt()]));
EEPROM.put(server.arg("rule").toInt() * 4 + arg * 64 + 32,
atoi(time_all[arg * 2 + 1][server.arg("rule").toInt()]));
if (server.arg("temperature").toInt() != temperatureSet) {
debugln("write temperature");
temperatureSet = server.arg("temperature").toInt();
EEPROM.put(256, temperatureSet);
server.setContentLength(strlen(settings_html_pre) + strlen(settings_html));
server.send(301, "text/html", settings_html_pre);
@ -209,21 +220,35 @@ void handleTime() {
void timer() {
if (((myTime.hour() * 60 + myTime.minute() >=
atoi(time_all[0][r]) * 60 + atoi(time_all[1][r])) and
(myTime.hour() * 60 + myTime.minute() <
atoi(time_all[2][r]) * 60 + atoi(time_all[3][r]))) or
((myTime.hour() * 60 + myTime.minute() >=
atoi(time_all[4][r]) * 60 + atoi(time_all[5][r])) and
(myTime.hour() * 60 + myTime.minute() <
atoi(time_all[6][r]) * 60 + atoi(time_all[7][r])))) {
int ri = 0;
bool isOn = false;
while (ri <= 7) {
if ((((myTime.hour() * 60 + myTime.minute() >=
atoi(time_all[0][ri]) * 60 + atoi(time_all[1][ri])) and
(myTime.hour() * 60 + myTime.minute() <
atoi(time_all[2][ri]) * 60 + atoi(time_all[3][ri]))) // first range
or ((myTime.hour() * 60 + myTime.minute() >=
atoi(time_all[4][ri]) * 60 + atoi(time_all[5][ri])) and
(myTime.hour() * 60 + myTime.minute() <
atoi(time_all[6][ri]) * 60 + atoi(time_all[7][ri]))) or
((atoi(time_all[0][ri]) == atoi(time_all[2][ri])) and
((atoi(time_all[1][ri]) == atoi(time_all[3][ri])) and
(atoi(time_all[0][ri]) + atoi(time_all[1][ri]) !=
0)))) // second range
and temperature <= temperatureSet) {
isOn = true;
if (isOn) {
if ((override[r]) and (strcmp(t_stat[r], "off") == 0)) {
override[r] = false;
sprintf(t_stat[r], "on");
if (!override[r]) {
digitalWrite(pins[r], LOW);
digitalWrite(pins[r], HIGH);
digitalWrite(2, HIGH); // LED
if (strcmp(stat[r], "AUS") == 0) {
debugln(F(" is on"));
@ -236,7 +261,8 @@ void timer() {
sprintf(t_stat[r], "off");
if (!override[r]) {
digitalWrite(pins[r], HIGH);
digitalWrite(pins[r], LOW);
digitalWrite(2, LOW); // LED
if (strcmp(stat[r], "AN") == 0) {
debugln(F(" is off"));
@ -245,16 +271,28 @@ void timer() {
void getCurrentTemperatur() {
if (millis() - lastTempCycle > 5000) {
temperature = int(sensors.getTempCByIndex(0)) != -127
? int(sensors.getTempCByIndex(0))
: 255; // TODO: mark as invalid
lastTempCycle = millis();
void setup() {
int p = 0;
while (p <= 7) {
pinMode(pins[p], OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(pins[p], HIGH);
pinMode(2, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(pins[p], LOW);
digitalWrite(2, LOW); // LED
EEPROM.begin(256); // 4 bits for EEPROM, address 0-255, value 0-255
EEPROM.begin(260); // 4 bits for EEPROM, address 0-255, value 0-255
debugln(F("check for updates at "
@ -267,15 +305,15 @@ void setup() {
WiFi.hostname("ESP8266 IOT development");
Serial.println(F("Connecting ..."));
debugln(F("Connecting ..."));
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
Serial.print(F("\nConnected to "));
Serial.print(F("IP address:\t"));
debug(F("\nConnected to "));
debug(F("IP address: "));
@ -289,17 +327,15 @@ void setup() {
server.on("/toggle", HTTP_GET, handleToggle);
server.on("/version", HTTP_GET,
[] { server.send(200, "text/html", version); });
debugln(F("Webserver started"));
void loop() {
if (r == 7) {
r = 0;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user