# Authentication Authentication in this project works in three steps: 1. first you [login](#login) and retrieve a [refresh token](#refresh-token) 2. send your [refresh token](#refresh-token) and retrieve a short-lived [access token](#access-token) 3. send your [access token](#access-token) with every api request to access protected recourses See the [example](#example) for the most basic authentication flow. Note that the script requests a new refresh-token every time, which should be avoided. ## Login Make a request to `/auth/login` with your user credentials (username/user Id & password) as json inside the `Authorization` http header field: ```bash Authorization: {"userId":"","password":""} ``` The order of the `json` fields does not matter. Note the use of `"` for valid `json`. ### Usage If your credentials are valid, you will get a [refresh token](#refresh-token) as a response. Store it somewhere save and use it to request new [access tokens](#access-token). ### Fields Password and either Username or userId are required. #### Password Your password must only contain letters and numbers. #### Username Your username must only contain letters and numbers. #### User Id Your userId. ## Refresh Token A json object containing a selector, token and expiry date used to request [access tokens](#access-token) ```json { "selector": "", "token": "", "expiryDate": "" } ``` ### Obtaining See [login](#login). ### Usage Used to [request an access token](#obtaining-1). ### Fields All fields are required. #### selector The base64 encoded URL-save representation of a random `byte[9]` array used to retrieved the associated token-hash from the database. #### token The base64 encoded URL-save representation of a `byte[33]` array used to compare against a hash stored in the database. #### expiryDate An integer representing the UNIX timestamp at which the associated refresh token becomes invalid. Currently hardcoded to **10 days** inside [/database/crypto_helpers.go](../../database/crypto_helpers.go): `const refreshTokenLifetime = "+10 day"`. ## Access Token A JWT (JSON Web Token, [learn more](https://jwt.io/)) consisting of three base64 encoded URL-save parts separated by dots `.`. Decoded & formatted: ```json { "alg": "HS256", "typ": "JWT" } . { "userId": "", "isAdmin": , "isUserCreator": , "expiryDate": } . ``` ### Obtaining Make a request to `/auth` with a [refresh token](#refresh-token) inside the `Authorization` http header: ```json Authorization: Refresh {"selector":"","token":"","expiryDate":} ``` Returns: ``` .. ``` ### Usage When included in the `Authorization` http header, it gives you access based on your user role. ``` Authorization: Bearer .. ``` ### Fields All fields are required. #### Header ##### alg The algorithm used to create the signature. Currently only `HS256` is supported. ##### type The **IANA Media Type** ([learn more](https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/media-types.xhtml)) of the payload. This field is always set to `"jwt"`. #### Payload ##### userId The userId associated with the access token. ##### isAdmin A boolean indicating if the user has admin rights. ##### isUserCreator A boolean indicating if the user has user creation rights. ##### expiryDate An integer representing the UNIX timestamp at which the associated refresh token becomes invalid. Currently hardcoded to **10 minutes** inside [database/crypto_helpers.go](../../database/crypto_helpers.go): `const accessTokenLifetime = time.Minute * 10`. #### Signature A `SHA256` hash of the encoded header and payload. The value of `database.secret` from the [config file](../../.YetAnotherToDoList.yaml) is used as a key (salt). ## Why We use access tokens with a lifespan of 10 min and an in-memory db to blacklist revoked tokens. So if for e.g. a user changes it's password, we would add the userId and the time of the change to the blacklist, invalidating all tokens of that user that have been issued before. After a server restart, all tokens will become invalid as well, since we can not be sure which ones were revoked (this could be mitigated in the future by making the blacklist persist during restarts). If a token has expired (either by a server restart or after 10 min), a new token is requested with a [refresh token](#refresh-token) that is stored in a database. ### Pros: - less DB lookups in general ### Cons: - increased load on database after server restart since all active clients need a new access token. ## Example ```bash #!/bin/env bash USERNAME="admin" PASSWORD="temporaryPassword" # login (you can replace `userName` with `userId` since the username might change) REFRESH_TOKEN=$(curl -ksH "Authorization: Login {\"userName\":\"$USERNAME\",\"password\":\"$PASSWORD\"}" https://localhost:4241/auth/login) # request access token (every 10 minutes or after server restart) ACCESS_TOKEN=$(curl -ksH "Authorization: Refresh $REFRESH_TOKEN" https://localhost:4241/auth) # a request to a fictional protected resource QUERY_RESULT=$(curl -ksH "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" https://localhost:4241/protected) # "convert" the header & access token to a json string to use in client applications (e.g. GraphiQL) echo -e "Use this as header for e.g. GraphiQL:\n{\"Authorization\":\"Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN\"}" ```